Saïd Khatibi


Saïd Khatibi

Saïd Khatibi was born in 1984 in Bou Saada / Algeria. After studying French literature in Algiers and earning a Master’s degree in cultural studies at the Sorbonne, he worked as a journalist and translator. He lives in Slovenia.
In 2022, he published the novel Nehayat Al Sahra’a (The End of the Desert), which received the prestigious Sheikh Zayed Book Award for young authors. Khatibi uses the genre of the historical detective novel to depict life in an apparently peaceful village in the Algerian Sahara along with its hidden intrigues.
In Sarajevo Firewood, he compares the fates of Algeria and Bosnia Herzegovina – both were shaken by devastating civil wars in the 1990s. The two protagonists, an Algerian and a Bosnian, had both fled wars in their native countries to Slovenia, where they hoped to build their futures.
Saïd Khatibi’s literary work spans four novels that have been translated into various languages, but none has yet appeared in German.

Sarajevo Firewood. Novel. Translated by Paul Starkey. Banipal Books, 2022
Nehayat Al Sahra’a. Bisher nicht in deutscher Übersetzung vorliegend. Hachette Antoine Naufal 2022.


29th Leukerbad International Literary Festival: 6.20.–22.2025