Lorena Simmel


Lorena Simmel

Lorena Simmel was born in Fribourg in 1988 and grew up in Switzerland. She studied creative writing at the Swiss Literature Institute in Biel as well as European Literature in Berlin and Warsaw. She has worked for the German Press Agency and translates Polish literature into German. She has published poems and prose. Lorena Simmel lives in Berlin.
In her recently published debut novel Ferymont, she describes a fictional place called Ferymont. And yet, this small patch of earth in the Seeland district of Switzerland as described by Lorena Simmel seems strangely familiar. At her summer job as an agricultural worker, the first-person narrator becomes friends with a seasonal laborer from the Republic of Moldova. Through exact observation and precise descriptions, Simmel has fashioned a literary exploration of the economic inequality between East and West.

Ferymont. Roman. Verbrecher Verlag 2024

Together with Anne Weber, Lorena Simmel will accompany the literary walk on June 20.


29th Leukerbad International Literary Festival: 6.20.–22.2025