Joseph Croitoru


Joseph Croitoru

Born in Haifa in 1960, Joseph Croitoru is a German historian and writer. He lives near Freiburg im Breisgau.
As expert in Middle Eastern history and politics, he has written research projects on such topics as conflict in the Middle East and relations between the Middle East and Europe.
Joseph Croitoru is also an experienced journalist. He regularly publishes articles in leading German and international newspapers and magazines. His analyses are renowned for their depth and expertise and as a result he is one of the voices most in demand in the media for commentary on current developments in the region. Croitoru’s writing has deepened understanding for the complex historical and political context in the Middle East and has encouraged inter-cultural dialogue. In 2021, he was awarded the Korn Family and Gerstenmann Foundation Peace Prize.

Die Hamas. Herrschaft über Gaza, Krieg gegen Israel. C. H. Beck 2024
Al-Aqsa oder Tempelberg. Der ewige Kampf um Jerusalems heilige Stätten. C. H. Beck 2021
Die Deutschen und der Orient. Faszination, Verachtung und die Widersprüche der Aufklärung. Hanser 2018


29th Leukerbad International Literary Festival: 6.20.–22.2025