Rebekka Salm


Rebekka Salm

Rebekka Salm was born in Liestal in 1979. She lives in Olten and works as a writer and lyricist and in adult education in the field of migration. She studied history and Islamic Studies in Basel and Bern. In 2019, she won the Writing Competition of the Swiss Writer’s Path with her text D’Eggsfrau. Three years later, Salm’s debut novel Die Dinge beim Namen (Things by Their Name) was published and made it onto the bestseller list. This novel, constructed out of twelve interwoven stories, is about the village microcosm, silence, and sexual violence.
The sharp vision and exact language that the author revealed in her debut novel are also present in her second, recently published novel Wie der Hase läuft. In it, Rebekka Salm deploys a panopticon of the stories and memories of two families who do not want to remember—and who are, whether they like it or not, part of a larger story. They ask the big questions: Where does one’s own history start? And how can we be sure that what we remember is also true?

Wie der Hase läuft. Knapp 2024
Die Dinge beim Namen. Knapp 2022


29th Leukerbad International Literary Festival: 6.20.–22.2025