Anna Prizkau


Anna Prizkau

Born in Moscow in 1986, Anna Prizkau has lived in Germany since 1994. She studied in Hamburg and Berlin and worked as a waitress, bartender, newspaper delivery person, test subject, and art dealer before becoming a journalist. Since 2012, she has been writing about foreigners, Germany, other countries, and about literature for the Feuilleton of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper in Berlin.
In her collection of stories, Fast ein neues Leben (Almost a New Life), Anna Prizkau writes about the shame of being different and the desire to belong, of the new country that Germany has become, about the foreign and the lost, and about those who were born here. “Anna Prizkau reveals the hairline fractures in the stable structure of tolerance and belonging. […] Prizkau writes first person fictional narratives in beautiful, concise, clear language. […] A beautiful, courageous, militant book,” writes Volker Weidermann in SPIEGEL online.
She will also read new texts at the Festival.

Fast ein neues Leben. Erzählungen. Matthes & Seitz 2020


29th Leukerbad International Literary Festival: 6.20.–22.2025