26th Leukerbad International
Literary Festival
24 to 26 June 2022
Welcome | Willkommen | Bienvenue
On the banks of the wildly rushing Dala in the mountains of Daubenhorn, Gemmipass, Majinghorn and Torrenthorn, pure literary happiness can always be found on the last weekend in June: 39 authors, philosophers, scientists and translators bring texts, perspectives, questions and stories from all over the world to Leukerbad, to the hot springs and to the mountain summer meadows. The program (who is coming?) will be published here in April, the detailed program (who is reading when and where?) will, as always, be published shortly before the festival.
Pandemic – yes/no/maybe
The travel opportunities look promising, so we are expecting the usual large number of international authors this year. In order to be able to react flexibly to hygiene requirements if necessary and to enable a safe festival in any case, the “James Baldwin Tent” gives us the opportunity to react to weather and pandemic conditions at short notice.
Literary walk on 23 June 2022
On the Thursday before the festival, we will again be hiking in the Leukerbad/Leuk region with literary accompaniment. The route and the two authors will be published here in April.
Shall we see you in Leukerbad for the 26th Leukerbad International Literary Festival?
Sehen wir uns in Leukerbad zum 26. Internationalen Literaturfestival Leukerbad?
Best regards,
Anna Kulp, Director and Hans Ruprecht, Director of Programming
The programme to leaf through...
To the detailed Festival programme (new version)...
Impressions of 2022...
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Donate for the Leukerbad International Literary Festival
We continue collecting donations. As part of our protection concept, we will erect two tents to host as many readings as possible outdoors while being weatherproof. This is a significant investment that is not covered by our budget. With every donation, you give the festival management a small piece of independence, and above all: feelings of happiness!
With the generous support of
the UBS Culture Foundation and the hotels of Leukerbad
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